Pengetahuan (knowledge) dan ilmu (science) berawal dari kekaguman manusia pada alam yang dihadapinya. Kekaguman tersebut kemudian menyebabkan timbulnya rasa ingin tahu (curiousity). Rasa ingin tahu manusia akan terpenuhi bila dirinya mendapatkan penjelasan mengenai apa yang dipertanyakan. Pada dasarnya rasa ingin tahu sifatnya kodrati yang ada pada setiap manusia, dimana seseorang selalu berusa…
Buku Ajar Bahasa Inggris Dasar Jilid 1 Buku ini mencakup beberapa materi teori yang nantinya akan dijelaskan kembali ketika perkuliahan berlangsung, yang meliputi empat kompetensi bahasa Inggris yakni listening, reading, writing dan speaking. Setelah mempelajari buku ini, mahasiswa/i yang diharapkan mampu menguasai dan memahami konsep teori bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan program yang ada.…
Education’s stated objective is to support pupils in acquiring knowledge through comprehension. One of the most effective teaching techniques is questioning because of its capacity to advance understanding and learning. The typical process in the classroom is for the teacher to pose a question, one or more students will then respond, and the teacher will then assess the responses. In a classr…
In this global era, proficiency in English academic writing is getting more important for the global scientific community since English is the language of choice for many international scientific journals. However, empirical studies revealed that most EFL undergraduate, graduate students found it difficult to perform academic writing. Their problems mostly derived from the lack of awareness and…
Buku ajar ini merupakan sumber belajar yang terstruktur untuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Dimulai dari pertemuan pertama yang memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain, buku ini mengarah ke berbagai topik yang penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris seperti percakapan ringan (Chit Chat), penggunaan komputer (Computers), dasar-dasar menulis seperti kalimat dan struktur kalimat (The Basic Uni…
There are several ways to understand a text or book. This is to ensure that the information collected matches the information contained in the text. Understanding a book consists of various ways, such as scanning, skimming, determining main ideas and topic sentences, previewing, and using dictionary and contextual guessing vocabulary. This book presents a discussion on the various ways of un…
Buku Academic Listening Listen to Catch Sense of the Conversations and Talks The TOEFL Test is one type of standardized test, and it is important to keep certain points in mind to succeed on the TOEFL Test. First, to do well in TOEFL Test, you must be fairly fluent in English and must know the area well. Secondly, you should learn the format and test-taking strategies, because some of the quest…
This book is intended for computer engineering students whose first or best language is not English. It is designed to serve the English language needs of students and professionals studying and practising computer engineering and to assist teachers who teach computer engineering and ESP student with their computer engineering needs. It also has been designed in consultation with teachers and b…
Buku Writing Coherent Paragraph Proficiency in writing a coherent paragraph is a foundation to write a longer text such as essay writing, academic writing. The students’ less proficiency in writing a coherent paragraph often becomes a problem in writing a longer text. Therefore, learning paragraph writing needs to be emphasized. This book is designed to teach paragraph writing for intermedia…
Buku A Simple Tutorial to Master Your English Syntax Syntax plays an essential role in linguistic studies and underpins the theory of linguistic studies. Responding to this essential need, this syntax textbook provides simple ways for mastering English syntax, which elaborates on some syntactic elements to form English sentences with correct structures and complete thoughts. It contains eleven …